The Safe Blood for Africa Foundation™ is proud to have Memoranda of Understanding with key Partners who contribute to our Mission in Africa. Through our collaboration with Riders for Health we are able to explore innovations in logistics, transport and vehicle management in the congested cities of Africa and areas with no roads. Partnering with Physicians for Peace has permitted the equipping and development of a blood bank in Ségou, Mali, that supports our broader project through CDC. Working with Jembi Health Systems we are at an advanced stage of developing an open source solution to a Blood Safety Information System (BSIS) to make Blood Establishment Computer Systems (BECS) affordable for resource- poor countries. This too is supported by CDC in collaboration with Western Province Blood Transfusion Service, Cape Town, South Africa. In Cameroon we have signed an MOU with FECADOBES – (Fédération Camerounaise pour le Don Bénévole de Sang) to work towards improving their support of the developing National Blood Programme.