Since 1999 the Safe Blood for Africa Foundation™ has investigated and provided assistance in Blood Safety in over 40 countries in Africa. Starting in Nigeria, our work has taken us as far afield as Liberia and Chad, Mali, DRC, Angola, Swaziland, Ethiopia and many other countries in sub Saharan Africa.
Recent projects in developing the National Blood Services include Angola, Swaziland, Lesotho, Equatorial Guinea and Botswana. These projects involved the development of National Blood Policy and Guidelines for the Clinical Use of Blood. These were supported by extensive training in all aspects of the Blood Safety Value Chain to develop local knowledge, skills and competency.
Currently our work, as partners to the US Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), is based in Mali, the DRC, Nigeria, Cameroon and Ghana. In all these countries we have assisted in the development of National Strategic Plans for Blood Safety and will support this with the development of Training, Blood Collection and Monitoring and Evaluation plans under a Quality Assurance Framework.
The Safe Blood for Africa Foundation™ does not pursue projects that require hands-on IMPLEMENTATION as we believe these to be non-sustainable and perpetuate the culture of dependency and entitlement often associated with the work of NGOs. Our preferred model is to supply Technical Assistance to guide the development of local competencies in a sustainable manner.