


U.S.  Office

1025 Thomas Jefferson Street,, NW,

Suite 525East

Washington, DC 20007

Phone:  (202) 333-5304

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African Headquarters

Johannesburg, South Africa

E-mail: ingrid @







The Safe Blood for Africa Foundation™ (SBFA) draws on extensive experience gained from efforts to provide Technical Assistance (TA) for the establishment of fully functioning, sustainable, centrally coordinated, self-governing national blood services in accordance with WHO prescribed best practices for developing countries.  Our operational structure, based on the Blood Safety Value Chain (BSVC) is a framework designed to demonstrate the connectedness between various components that are critical to making up a centrally coordinated National Blood Service (NBS) as advocated by the WHO and other international accreditation bodies, notably the AfSBT.


We provided support to the CentroNacional de Sangue (CNS) in Angola between 2005 and 2012, Technical Assistance was provided with initial funding from PEPFAR and Exxon Mobil with subsequent support from Chevron in Cabinda Province.  In addition, the European Union (EU) blood safety project was a contributing partner.  During this period, a broad programme of activities by SBFA extended from Luanda to Benguela and Kwanza Sul.  A wide ranging series of development and training programmes focussing on Donor Recruitment through Club25, Donor Management, Quality and Laboratory Practice of the CNS operation were conducted.  A feature of SBFA’s involvement was the provision of extensive hands-on support in Cabinda Province between 2009 and 2012 which was funded by Chevron and included facilitating the provision of blood service consumable items for that province.

Our Mission

The SBFA assisted Angola in developing the Centro Nacional de Sangue (CNS) Transfusion Programme with a focus on scaling up of Blood Safety such as Blood Collection, Testing and Distribution.  The SBFA also provided Technical Assistance related to the following five key technical areas:

  • Situational assessment and Strategic Planning;
  • Donor Mobilization and Blood Collection;
  • Blood testing;
  • Quality assurance including (M & E); and
  • Training including the Appropriate Clinical use of Blood.


Our Achievements:


During the period of activity in Angola, SBFA:

  • Conducted an infield situational assessment of the CNS and made recommendations for improvements.
  • Promoted advocacy and support for the CNS from the Angola National Health Ministry.
  • Provided developmental guidance and training on:
    • Blood Donor Mobilization and Recruitment;
    • Donor Management;
    • the introduction of Club25 notably in Cabinda Province and Sumbe;
    • developed Quality Systems, Standard Operating Procedures and M&E;
    •  developed facilities and systems in Cabinda, Benguela and Kwanza Sul;
  • Provided extensive and comprehensive training across the BSVC for all operational staff in Cabinda Province; and
  • In Sumbe we facilitated the identification and refurbishing of a dedicated Transfusion Ward for paediatric cases, giving over 4000 children access to a safe transfusion to treat severe anaemia from advanced malaria.